Thursday, December 31, 2009

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Olympic torch was in town!

Just thought I would share a couple of photos of the Olympic torch run that came through my neighborhood on Wednesday, It was awesome! My camera's not so great and the pictures are a bit blurry, (he was running so fast!)
We got out there just in time to take the pictures!

Well, I'm off to have Christmas dinner with family tonight!

Have a Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Shop Sale

Hello Everyone!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I've got a shop sale going on......trying to clear out for the holidays.
Life changes and starting fresh new art for the new year!
I'll post pictures and update soon!
Take care, sweeties!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A New Painting


"A Perfect Place to Nest"

12" x 12" inches

I just added a new painting to my Etsy shop, I've been pretty busy lately and will do more of an update in the next few days. I've been working on some abstract pieces and a new angel painting for the shop, I'll hopefully have them done soon, my shop is so empty!

Well, it's 3 AM and I'm finally off to bed!

Take care!


Monday, October 19, 2009

My Studio Buddy and New work!

Hello everyone!
I'm all finished with my treatments (yay!) and life is starting to get back to normal. I've been busy, busy, busy in my studio painting until the wee hours with my little "studio buddy", although she's not much help and spends most of her time doing this.... and hates to have her picture taken!

Anyway, here is a new angel painting just listed in my Etsy shop...

Midnight Garden Angel

12" x 16"

I'll be posting some "in progress" photos of some paintings that I'm working on in the next few days, in the meantime enjoy your day and I'll be back soon!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hi again, I'm back!
It's not that I've been neglectful, I just decided to take some time being busy enjoying what was left of summer and to do some healing from my chemo treatments, and I only have a week left of radiation treatments (Yay!). I'm pretty burned from the treatments so I'm thankful that the ordeal is almost over and I can get back to normal life again.

Little Miss Cherryblossom
(8" x 10")
My Etsy shop is finally open and I have a lot of paintings I'm working on, and a lot of new ideas swirling in my head. My printer inks are on order so there will be some prints up for sale soon.

I'll update soon and take care!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello again!
Just thought I would share this picture of the cutest baby robins! This is the third family of robins that has taken over my deck so far this year.

Well, tomorrow is the LAST day of my chemo treatments (HOORAY!), and on Friday I was tatooed with little black dots to get ready for my radiation treatments, 5 days a week for 5 weeks. It's long, but at least my hair and eyelashes will start growing back!

I was diagnosed in January, had a lumpectomy in February, and I've been going through chemo every 3 weeks since April 1st and it makes me sick, sick, sick for at least a couple of days afterward, so I'm so happy that it's almost over.
I'll be updating with images of some new paintings within the next few days, so I hope you'll come by and check them out. I'll also be adding some paintings to my brand new Etsy shop soon!
Thanks for coming by and take care!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hello everyone!
A little bit about myself.......My name is Liz Conway, I am an artist, wife, mother of 3 human children, 3 furry ones, a breast cancer patient who survived surgery, hair loss and 5 chemo treatments so far, my last one is on July 14 (Yay!), Lizzelberry is a nickname I got from a relative, and I have a deep love for vanilla ice cream.

I just recently started to paint again after too long of a break, and I'll be posting and selling new work here and there, and writing about the sometimes interesting stuff that goes on around here.

Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon!